7 Best gifts you can give your crocheter friends

Best gifts for crocheters

It is the holiday season and exchanging gifts is a part of sharing and expressing your love and care for the person at the receiver end. Gifts, small or big, should not be just for the sake of giving, but more of a mindful and useful one. If your friend is a crocheter, I say, your job is half done in deciding a mindful gift. Here are 7 mindful and the best gifts for crocheters friends in your circle.

1. Crochet hooks or hook sets

Let’s start off with the tools first. Crochet hooks are the magic wands of every crocheter. Your friends will be more than happy to get one more of them, even if they have a collection themselves. This can be the one of the best gift crocheters.

If you know that they have just gotten into crocheting, you can get them hooks or hook sets from brands Tulip or Clover, If you would like a little more fancier or your fiend is a pretty regular crocheter, You can get them novelty crochet hooks from Furls or Brittany. They even come in cute gift boxes. A 4mm or 5mm would be a perfect size if you have no idea.

2. Yarn slicer pendant

A yarn slicer pendant, as the name suggests, is a cute pendant designed to slice or cut yarn. It is easy and safe when you want to carry around your projects. You can find cute yarn slicers from brands like Clover and Scheepjes.

3. Project bags

Speaking of carrying around projects, a project make makes it easier to carry any crochet project around. Project bags come in various sizes, from clutches to tote bags. There are many small businesses for project bags on etsy, but my favourite shop is CatbagladyCrafts based here in Singapore. She makes these amazing zipper and drawstring project pouches in various sizes as well as project totes. This is the best mindful gift you can give a crocheter.

4. Yarn bowl

This is a kind of ‘look good luxury’ gift, at least in my opinion. A yarn bowl is used to keep your yarn ball inside while working on a project to prevent it from rolling over. They come in various designs from basic to elegant handcrafted wood.

5. Crochet journal or notebooks

A project journal or a cute dotted notebook is the perfect gift for your nerdy, perfectionista crochet friends

6. Yarn

Being a crocheter myself, did you think I would forget to mention yarn here in this list? Nope! 

There are a huge variety of yarns to choose from and a lot more ways to present them as gifts, like yarn bouquets, yarn cake, etc., But yarns per se makes any crocheter happy. To be mindful of giving yarn as gifts, I would recommend a Scheepjes whirl. Want to know more on my experience with the yarn? Read THIS blogpost.

7. Crochet patterns

Gifting crochet patterns is a win-win scenario. You get to support independent designers and giving your friend her long-wanted pattern, at the same time. 

Are you up for giving a big surprise? Just combine all of them to give a crochet kit! This is obviously going to make the best gifts for crocheters 

To know more about the crochet accessories to combine with, read this post HERE

So, what have you planned to gift your crocheter friends this holiday season? Let me know in the comments below.

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