A new year is when we all make some new goals and resolutions. But have you ever thought about having some crochet goals for the new year? If you have not, you should definitely consider setting some crochet goals. Here are the list of interesting and different crochet techniques you can learn this year and set them as your crochet goals.
Why learn different crochet techniques?
If you are the type of person that enjoys the repetitive stitches of crochet, good for you! But if you ever feel like spicing things up and take your craft up a notch, learning new crochet techniques can really come in handy. Because, who doesn’t want a spicy kick in life? Get to know the benefit of crocheting and build a sustainable crochet habit.
In this post, I will be sharing a list of 7 crochet techniques you can try and learn with some accompanying resources to where you can fins some interesting patterns. Remember, all the crochet techniques mentioned here does not require any additional fancy requirements. Your yarn in stash and your crochet hook you have on hand is more than enough to try out these crochet techniques.
1. Filet Crochet
Filet Crochet, arguably, is one of the most easiest crochet techniques. This techniques forms figures with blocks created by double or treble crochet stitches and meshes formed by the chain spaces.
By using basic of the stitches, you can create marvels in your crochet project. With a little bit of math logic and lots of creativity, you can turn any picture into a filet crochet project.
Get to know the Fundamentals of Filet Crochet and also make yourself some amazing accessories. Because who said filet crochet is only for home décor?
Get your Ultimate Filet Crochet Bundle (P.S. save some $$$ by using this link)

3. Embossed Crochet technique
Embossed crochet is a crochet technique where you make patterns that are elevated from the crochet level. This is achieved by placed your crochet stitches in the front/back post of your existing crochet stitches.
You can make embossed crochet projects using single or multiple colours and the effect in both cases are equally stunning. Natalia Kononova from Outstanding Crochet has some stunning embossed crochet bag patterns. Meadow Bag set is one precious pattern among them.

3. Mosaic Crochet
Mosaic crochet is a crochet technique that uses two colours to bring out geometrical effect. The finished object resembles a tiled floor that has beautiful geometrical patterns.
As intimidating as the pattern seems, it is one of the very easiest crochet techniques that used only basic crochet stitches.
If you are completely new to mosaic crochet, Nya infinity blanket by Lilla Bjorn is the best place to start. It’s a free crochet pattern available in her website.

4. Tapestry Crochet
Tapestry crochet technique, like filet crochet, forms different figures in the project. It also uses basic crochet stitches, mostly single crochet, working the stitches either in back-loop only or both loops. Two or more colours are used in tapestry crochet projects and yarn is carried along with the stiches being worked and changed only when the figures shapes are bring made. In contract to filet crochet, the fabric created here is a solid one.
Once again, Lilla Bjorn crochet has step-by-step instructions on how to do Tapestry Crochet along with a free crochet pattern in her website. Do check it out if you would like to experience this crochet technique. Here is a beginner’s guide for Tapestry Crochet
5. Fair Isle Crochet
Fair Isle crochet is quite similar to Tapestry crochet, except that you do not carry your contrasting colored yarn up until the colour change. Meaning, the contrasting colored yarn will be visible in the wrong side of your work and therefore the technique can be used only when crocheting in the rounds.
Here are some useful resources on Fair Isle Crochet guide and step-by-step instructions to understand Fair Isle Crochet.
6. Overlay Crochet Technique
Overlay Crochet is a very artistic crochet technique. It creates a stained glass effect in it’s finished objects. This is achieved by using two or more colours of yarns and placing stitches in the posts and/or various loops. Maintaining uniform tension in stitches is of utmost importance in this crochet technique
Lilla Bjorn crochet has some amazing Overlay Crochet Patterns and one of the simplest pattern that used this technique is Huldra Sweater. I made one for myself as a half-sleeved tee using Scheepjes whirl and whirlette.

7. Brioche Crochet
Brioche, originally from knitting, is quite new in the crochet scenario. Technique-wise, it is completely different from knitting. But the effect of the finished object is similar to that of a knit one.
Brioche crochet is essentially a rib-like structure formed by working with two colours of yarn. The fabric created as a result is quite thick, as it essentially has two layers.
Get to know more about Brioche Crochet HERE

Resources to learn the crochet techniques
If you want to try out the different crochet techniques, the Winter Scandi Make-a-long would be the best place to start as you get make three patters with three different crochet techniques.
Apart from that Outstanding Crochet and Lilla Bjorn Crochet are the best places to try out most of the skills. They have amazing collection of designs
In addition to the above mentioned techniques we do have Irish Crochet, which essentially is a motif crochet. But these crochet techniques would definitely take your crochet skills to next level. Which one among the seven in the list, would you like to start off with this year?