My Huldra Sweater using Scheepjes whirl: What you should know

My Huldra sweater crochet

Huldra sweater is a crochet pattern designed by Tatsiana Kupryianchyk at Lilla Bjorn Crochet World. It is originally a pull-sleeves sweater that is suitable for colder months. But the designer herself has made a sample using Scheepjes whirl ombre and a contrasting whirlette. This post details my take on the Huldra sweater crochet pattern and my thoughts on the same.

About the Huldra Sweater crochet pattern

The Huldra sweater is a top-down seamlessly made crochet sweater pattern. This pattern was originally designed as a full sleeved sweater using Scheepjes Our Tribe yarn in three colours. Check out more details about the pattern here.

The pattern is available to be made in eight sizes and is designed as an oversized sweater with a positive ease of 4-8”. There is also an option to adjust the length of the garment and leave out the sleeves as well. For people like me, who has always lived in tropical countries, the designer has also made a sample using the popular Scheepjes whirl and contrasting Whirlette combo. 

Check out the versatility of Scheepjes whirl here

Yarn selection for the pattern

As obvious as it is, I attempted my Huldra sweater using Scheepjes whirl and whirlette. I used 551 Daffodil Dolally from the Ombré Collection and a contrasting whirlette 863 Chocolate. The sweater comes out at its best only when you use an ombre whirl and a totally contrasting whirlette. 

I got the gauge using 3.25mm hook as supposed to a 3mm crochet hook, which is quite alright. Also, I decided to do the size small and get a fitted garment as opposed to the original notion of the pattern as an oversized sweater. Therefore I only needed one whirl and one whirlette.

What I like about this pattern- the positives

Tatsiana Kupryianchyk at Lilla Bjorn Crochet World, has done a fantastic job in designing the Huldra sweater crochet pattern. It is of course, an easy pattern to work one. But not too easy as well. It has the perfect proportion of simple and easy repeats that allows for a mindless repetitive crocheting and an intermediate/advance level of techniques involved.

The centre of attraction is the yoke. The yoke has a beautiful colour work that is done using alternating the scheepjes whirl and whirlette every row. There is a little bit of back and forth crocheting involved in the yoke for neck shaping and other that those few rows, the entire sweater is crocheted in rounds.

As the row had alternating working yarns, I did struggle a bit initially to get hang on which row to crochet in. But the designer has got us covered with detailed photo-tutorials. Almost the entire yoke has colour-work involved (except a last few rounds to get the desired measurement). Once the yoke is divided and sleeves are obtained, the body is worked in rounds in spiral (with joining to end every round).

And did I mention that a different placing of half double crochet stitches is used in this pattern?

Huldra sweater crochet

What could have been better?

The design is fantastic and no comments on that. But I felt that the pattern writing could have been inclusive for people using Scheepjes whirl-whirlette combo as well. 

We know that the Huldra sweater crochet pattern was originally designed using Scheepjes tribe yarn in three colours, say A, B, C. While using whirl and whirlette, apparently scheepjes whirl takes the places of  two of the yarn colours, say B and C (different ends of the yarn), and the whirlette is colour A. A some point of time the roles of these yarns get exchanges say the whirlette (yarn A) had to take up the role of yarn B.

While working through the pattern I had to refer the picture of the designer’s sample back and forth to see what has has been used. There were no instructions mentioned in the original pattern on which yarn to be used for Scheepjes whirlette. 

My final thoughts on the Huldra sweater crochet pattern

Huldra sweater crochet pattern is a fantastic design. I happened to make it when I was taking a break from designing myself. It was a perfect fuel to rejuvenate my creative brain. And I totally love the final produce. It is so light in weight and is perfect and comfortable to wear in my hot place. If you are looking to make in larger sizes you will need more that one Scheepjes whirl and whirlette.

Huldra sweater crochet pattern

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